I want to use a standard C function called gethostbyaddr (or getnameinfo, since the other is deprecated), but it is not implemented in the dswifi library. So I was thinking in porting it by myself. I have tried downloading the latest version of newlib and tried to compile the function and ...
Search found 5 matches
- Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:33 am
- Forum: DS/DSi Development
- Topic: gethostbyaddr
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4375
- Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:41 am
- Forum: DS/DSi Development
- Topic: deprecated structure IPC removed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7293
Re: deprecated structure IPC removed
I've tried, and yes, for me it's very hard ^^
- Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:11 pm
- Forum: DS/DSi Development
- Topic: deprecated structure IPC removed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7293
Re: deprecated structure IPC removed
I have tested different ways and the result is always the same: directly in a Nintendo DS with a M3 flashcard, in a Linux DeSmume emulator and in a Windows iDeaS emulator.
I think that the problem is the initialization of the SDL, that does something wrong or incompatible with the libnds, because ...
I think that the problem is the initialization of the SDL, that does something wrong or incompatible with the libnds, because ...
- Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:58 am
- Forum: DS/DSi Development
- Topic: deprecated structure IPC removed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7293
Re: deprecated structure IPC removed
Thank you for your reply.
I've studied the "nds-examples-20100313/input/Touch_Pad" examples. They use the TouchPad through the ARM9, in the normal way, and it does not work for me :-(
Yes, I know that SDL is not very suitable to the DS, but I need to use it because I'm doing a university project ...
I've studied the "nds-examples-20100313/input/Touch_Pad" examples. They use the TouchPad through the ARM9, in the normal way, and it does not work for me :-(
Yes, I know that SDL is not very suitable to the DS, but I need to use it because I'm doing a university project ...
- Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:29 am
- Forum: DS/DSi Development
- Topic: deprecated structure IPC removed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7293
deprecated structure IPC removed
I'm doing a project for the Nintendo DS, using the libnds, and also a library called SDL. The problem is that if I initialize the library SDL, then the TouchPad doesn't work (using the default program for the ARM7). But the TouchPad does work if I use this custom program for the ARM7 ...
I'm doing a project for the Nintendo DS, using the libnds, and also a library called SDL. The problem is that if I initialize the library SDL, then the TouchPad doesn't work (using the default program for the ARM7). But the TouchPad does work if I use this custom program for the ARM7 ...