Introducing the devkitPro patreon.

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Introducing the devkitPro patreon.

Post by WinterMute » Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:18 am

Recently it's been becoming more obvious that we're going to have to bring in some more regular income in order to continue providing the tools and libraries you've come to know and love. To tell the truth it's been rather a while since one off donations have even approached covering the costs associated with providing these tools so it's time to become a little more pro-active in revenue generation. There are many expenses we need to cover, including hosting, the code signing certificate we need for the installer, not to mention our internet access and, well, doing other things to pay the bills takes time away from what we do best & does little to improve the tools and libraries or our mood when we can't find the time for the many things that need done for the next set of releases.

We've been looking at setting up Patreon for quite a while but there always seems to be something else to do before I feel comfortable actually going live. Truth be told there will probably never be a point where I feel that I've done enough so, rather than continuing to let perfect be the enemy of the good, it's time to bite the bullet and just do this thing. It would also be a crying shame not to show the world the rather spiffing header provided for us by the rather talented James

Please consider supporting devkitPro via Patreon, it would be most appreciated. You can, of course, still make a one off donation if you prefer.

Thanks for your consideration.

Dave, aka WinterMute.

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