This example doesn't actually work when you run it. It compiled fine, latest devkitpro (I made sure this time ). At first I thought it just wasn't making noise, so I put some iprintf("Test")'s in there, lazy debugging, and it appears to freeze on
mmStreamOpen( &mystream ); is the offending line
Code: Select all
mm_stream mystream;
mystream.sampling_rate = 25000; // sampling rate = 25khz
mystream.buffer_length = 1200; // buffer length = 1200 samples
mystream.callback = on_stream_request; // set callback function
mystream.format = MM_STREAM_16BIT_STEREO; // format = stereo 16-bit
mystream.timer = MM_TIMER0; // use hardware timer 0
mystream.manual = true; // use manual filling
Tried running it on both no$gba and my actual DS, same problem on both.
In summary: Example program freezes on the line that initiates a stream, on hardware and emulation.
What's Maxmod doing? I'd like the streaming functionality.