- update nds cmakery for new libs and calico support
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Calico is a new library built to support threading on DS/DSi as well as management of the hardware accessible from arm7. This, as detailed in the libnds 2.0.0 announcement above has given us a better foundation to support a new DSi-mode Atheros Wi-Fi driver with WPA2 AES encryption support
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
A refactored dswifi builds upon the new wireless infrastructure to provide the high-level WFC and TCP/IP socket layer. New wfc APIs have been added to load Wi-Fi access point settings, and launch the connection state machine. sgIP has received some minor refactoring, and now runs in its own thread. Future versions of dswifi will continue to improve on sgIP's feature set, including integration with devkitPro devoptabs.
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Maxmod has been refactored to work alongside calico and its sound API. Everything beside the playback/mixing core has been rewritten in C, for better maintainability. Automatic audio streaming is now handled in a background thread instead of within an interrupt routine.
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
libfat 2.0.0 now uses a new disk volume management library combined with a modified fatfs library and provides direct support for nitrofs on nds. This retires the old libfat which has served us well over many years and across several consoles. libfilesystem is also retired.
An updated libfat-gba will follow soon after some more testing.
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
The default arm7 binaries have now been replaced with calico enhanced binaries built against the updated libraries.
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Our first user running aarch64-linux-musl turned up recently which gave us the impetus to add another supported platform. We'd already put the work into x86_64-linux-musl binaries a while ago so it was relatively easy to bring up aarch64. Instructions now added to wiki/devkitPro_pacman for Apine and Void users. These should,in theory at least, work on other linux-musl systems too.
You have temuenjoyer78 to thank for this one.
Recommended and supported installation for all our releases is via devkitPro pacman
Recommended and supported installation is through devkitPro pacman
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