Looping samples, sample rates on DS, loading from EFS

support for the gba/nds sound library from www.maxmod.org

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Looping samples, sample rates on DS, loading from EFS

Post by melw » Sun May 24, 2009 1:48 pm


I'm new to MaxMod, so sorry if any of these questions are too obvious. However, I did search the forums and read the online documentation first before posting here.

1) Is is possible to loop samples? If not, could this feature be added to MaxMod?

2) What are the ideal sample formats to be used with MaxMod? I tried using 22050Hz/8bit wav samples, but these sound very bad with swaying-like effect and artefacts on top of the playback. Fine-tuning the effect playback rate from 1024 down to 1014-1015 helps a bit, but it seems bit cryptic to try values like this. I recon there's no direct way to set the playback/sample rate at all? Would it help to use DS's native rate (32768kHz - or 16384kHz with half the accuracy)?

I can provide sample playback examples with the artifacts if needed. :)

3) Not directly MaxMod related, but has anyone gotten MaxMod working with loading the soundbank using EFS? Having strange load crashes over here. Although if MaxMod works with NitroFS out of the box, I could consider changing the used filesystem.

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Re: Looping samples, sample rates on DS, loading from EFS

Post by Tomdev » Sun May 24, 2009 6:29 pm

I used maxmod with nitrofs, working great for me, although i used mods and no wav's :P

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Re: Looping samples, sample rates on DS, loading from EFS

Post by eKid » Mon May 25, 2009 8:40 am

1) mmutil supports wavs with loops in them, if you don't have a program that can set the loop point in a wav file (seems to be a rare feature) then you can put the wave file in a module instead and set the loop there (name/DOS filename of the sample in the module must be prefixed with # to export a sound effect definition).

2) Ideal sample formats would be 8/16bit with rates that are similar to 32768 hz (rates without most of the lower bits of the number set). The 'usual' rates people use, like 44/22/11 khz, are not very good for the DS, and will probably cause a bunch of aliasing. The 'internal' playback rate is taken from the WAV/source and stored in the sample header, it's multiplied by the rate that's given to the mm_sound_effect or mmEffectRate (x.10 fixed point).

3) I've never tried EFS so no idea. :)

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Re: Looping samples, sample rates on DS, loading from EFS

Post by melw » Tue May 26, 2009 1:00 pm

eKid wrote:1) mmutil supports wavs with loops in them, if you don't have a program that can set the loop point in a wav file (seems to be a rare feature) then you can put the wave file in a module instead and set the loop there (name/DOS filename of the sample in the module must be prefixed with # to export a sound effect definition).
Thanks! Found the sample looping feature in Soundforge, now my samples are looping nicely. I couldn't find any mention of this feature in MaxMod documentation - perhaps you should add a loop point helper text somewhere in the docs?
eKid wrote:2) Ideal sample formats would be 8/16bit with rates that are similar to 32768 hz (rates without most of the lower bits of the number set). The 'usual' rates people use, like 44/22/11 khz, are not very good for the DS, and will probably cause a bunch of aliasing. The 'internal' playback rate is taken from the WAV/source and stored in the sample header, it's multiplied by the rate that's given to the mm_sound_effect or mmEffectRate (x.10 fixed point).
Ok, 32kHz & 16kHz versions don't have similar aliasing problems. All good on this front now, too!
eKid wrote:3) I've never tried EFS so no idea. :)
I'll give NitroFS a try, and will let you know if it was about EFS or if something else was wrong in the code...

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