Float printing bug in devkitPPC

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Float printing bug in devkitPPC

Post by yellows8 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:36 am

I'm trying to display Wiimote IR values, Accelometer, Orient, and GForce values, but all I get is a f where the displayed number should be. I tried %1.3f instead of %f, but still nothing. I tried displaying my own float var, but the exact same result. And when I use sprintf, and then print the string used on screen, I get numbers, but they're all zeroes. Strangely, when printing floats with %.2f to a text file, it seems to work fine...

Code: Select all

void HandleRemote(s32 chan)

        u32 ext;//Extension type
        u32 ret=0;
        int i=0;
        u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsHeld(chan);

        WPADData *Data = WPAD_Data((int)chan);
        WPADData data = *Data;
        WPAD_Orientation(chan, &data.orient);
        WPAD_GForce(chan, &data.gforce);
        WPAD_Accel(chan, &data.accel);
        WPAD_Expansion(chan, &data.exp);
            if(ret!=remoteErrors[chan] && remoteErrors[chan]==WPAD_ERR_NO_CONTROLLER)
                //Wiimote/WPAD won't do re-enable these on reconnect.
        remoteErrors[chan] = ret;
        remoteExtensions[chan] = ext;
        int offset = 5 + ((int)chan*37);
        iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HRemote #%d", offset+0,(int)chan);
        for(i=1; i<=37; i++)
        iprintf("\x1b[%d;1H                                             ", offset+i);
                /*if(ret==WPAD_ERR_NONE && ext==WPAD_EXP_NUNCHUK)
                    if(pressed & WPAD_NUNCHUK_BUTTON_Z)iprintf("\x1b[5;%dHButton Z pressed on Nunchuk!  ", offset+1);
                    if(pressed & WPAD_NUNCHUK_BUTTON_C)iprintf("\x1b[5;%dHButton C pressed on Nunchuk!  ", offset+2);
        if (pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton A pressed!             ", offset+3);
                if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_B)
                    iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton B pressed!             ", offset+4);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_1)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton 1 pressed!             ", offset+5);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_2)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton 2 pressed!             ", offset+6);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton - (Minus) pressed!             ", offset+7);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton + (Plus) pressed!             ", offset+8);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton Up pressed!             ", offset+9);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton Down pressed!             ", offset+10);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton Right pressed!             ", offset+12);
        if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT)iprintf("\x1b[%d;6HButton Left pressed!             ", offset+13);*/
            iprintf("\x1b[6;6HIR RAW X %1.3f             ", data.ir.ax);
            iprintf("\x1b[7;6HIR RAW Y %1.3f             ", data.ir.ay);
            iprintf("\x1b[8;6HIR SMOOTH X %1.3f             ", data.ir.sx);
            iprintf("\x1b[9;6HIR SMOOTH Y %1.3f             ", data.ir.sy);
                    iprintf("\x1b[10;6HIR X %1.3f             ", data.ir.x);
                    iprintf("\x1b[11;6HIR Y %1.3f             ", data.ir.y);
            iprintf("\x1b[12;6HIR ANGLE %1.3f            ", data.ir.angle);
        iprintf("ACCEL X %d             \n", (int)Data->accel.x);
        iprintf("ACCEL Y %d             \n", (int)Data->accel.y);
        iprintf("ACCEL Z %d             \n", (int)Data->accel.z);
        char buf[256];
        sprintf(buf, "HORIENT ROLL %1.3f PITCH %1.3f YAW %1.3f", (float)Data->orient.roll, (float)Data->orient.pitch, (float)Data->orient.yaw);
        iprintf("%s             \n", buf);
        //iprintf("\x1b[15;6HORIENT ROLL %1.3f             ", (float)Data->orient.roll);
        //iprintf("\x1b[16;6HORIENT PITCH %1.3f             ", (float)Data->orient.pitch);
        //iprintf("\x1b[17;6HORIENT YAW %1.3f             ", (float)Data->orient.yaw);
        iprintf("GFORCE X %1.3f             \n", (float)data.gforce.x);
        iprintf("GFORCE Y %1.3f             \n", (float)data.gforce.y);
        iprintf("GFORCE Z %1.3f             \n", (float)data.gforce.z);
        if(ret==WPAD_ERR_NONE && ext==WPAD_EXP_NUNCHUK)
        iprintf("\x1b[21;6HNCUHCK MIN X %d Y %d             ", (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.min.x, (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.min.y);
        iprintf("\x1b[22;6HNCUHCK MAX X %d Y %d             ", (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.max.x, (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.max.y);
        iprintf("\x1b[23;6HNCUHCK CENTER X %d Y %d             ", (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.center.x, (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.center.y);
        iprintf("\x1b[24;6HNCUHCK POS X %d Y %d             ", (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.pos.x, (int)data.exp.nunchuk.js.pos.y);
        iprintf("\x1b[25;6HNCUHCK ANG %1.3f MAG %1.3f             ", (float)data.exp.nunchuk.js.ang, (float)data.exp.nunchuk.js.mag);
        float myvar = 1.5f;
        iprintf("HMYVAR %1.3f             ", (float)myvar);


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Re: Float printing bug in devkitPPC

Post by WinterMute » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:40 pm

iprintf is an integer only function which doesn't recognise floating point variables, it was commonly used on the DS because of the lack of an FPU there. Use printf instead.
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Re: Float printing bug in devkitPPC

Post by yellows8 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:03 pm

My bad. I was using code from the Hello World example for Wii, and it was using iprintf with the VT terminal codes for setting the cursor position, which my code uses, so I copied that.

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