That's what I thought. I can only assume then it's because I am running in an emulator on the PC.
It doesn't seem to matter what text string I put in there, whenever I call fopen the pointer is always null.
No idea what's causing it but in the end I found it easier to just print the contents of the save file onto the screen for debugging purposes than reading the file directory. Saving wear and tear having to continually put the memory in and out of the PC and DS.
Thanks for the comment zeromus
Saving game data
- Posts: 85
- Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:26 pm
Re: Saving game data
Ah, now I understand!!
You thought you can use your c disk if you run a nds file in emulator on PC ?!
If you run a nds file on PC there's still no C disk for the emulator, because the emulator only emulates the nds hardware!
If you want to open the file on PC you have to create an exe file! However that's not part of the libnds / devkitPro forum!
You thought you can use your c disk if you run a nds file in emulator on PC ?!
If you run a nds file on PC there's still no C disk for the emulator, because the emulator only emulates the nds hardware!
If you want to open the file on PC you have to create an exe file! However that's not part of the libnds / devkitPro forum!
Re: Saving game data
unhelpfulzeromus wrote:that code should work. you must be confused, or you must have no c: drive. unless, of course, by running on PC, you mean, running on an emulator. in which case you are very badly confused.
Re: Saving game data
that was for enay, not you
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