June 2021 Updates

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Re: June 2021 Updates

Post by WinterMute » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:38 pm

A bit of a catch up post here for work we did in June before we get to starting July's list.

All of the portlibs have now been added to their respective groups which means we finally got rid of the awkward command to install portlibs in the Docker images. Now we can install all the portlibs for a given system with one simple command to install the appropriate group. Our current groups are these :-
  • armv4t-portlibs
  • nds-portlibs
  • 3ds-portlibs
  • switch-portlibs
  • ppc-portlibs
  • gamecube-portlibs
  • wii-portlibs
  • wiiu-portlibs
cpasjuste finally got some time to look at switch SDL2 again & we now have a package with the latest stable release - 2.0.14.

libogc has seen a bit more cleanup for gcc 11 related warnings and DacoTaco has contributed fixes and cleanup for our gamecube memory card support.

Pixel-Pop contributed 3ds-wslay

TurtleP contributed switch-lz4 & 3ds-lz4

fincs & I have done more work on cmake machinery which should now hopefully be much easier to use for people porting cmake based projects. I submitted a PR to devilutionX to use our switch cmake support https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/pull/2074.

madebr submitted a PR for cmake to allow a standard find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) to work as expected. We used that as the basis to find a more easily maintained solution to the same problem. This unfortunately means that cmake 3.15 is a minimum requirement for that particular feature although all the rest of the current cmake machinery works fine with 3.7. In practice that means Ubuntu 18.04 & Debian buster users will need to source a newer cmake than stock. Kitware provide an apt-repostory & newer cmake can be found in buster backports. Our Docker images have been updated.

Technically this one was March but I've been meaning to add this for a while. Mstrodl contributed switch-harfbuzz and switch-openal-soft which she used to make an awesome start on a switch port of Super Tux Kart.

As always
  • Several issues were fixed, and usability and stability were improved.
We now have 231 packages available across 9 consoles, you can list them all with (dkp-)pacman -Sl

The donation drive intended to purchase an M1 macbook to assist with work we're doing to hopefully bring native M1 tools to macOS has reached the dizzy heights of $728.97. i686 linux packages have been prepared in anticipation of us tipping over the $750 mark.
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