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[libnds] setBackdropColor()

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:34 pm
by vuurrobin
is it possible to add the following functions to set the backdrop color on main and sub engine?

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    @brief sets the backdrop color of the main engine.

    the backdrop color is displayed when all pixels at a given location are transparent
    (no sprite or background is visible there).

    @param color the color that the backdrop of the main engine should display.
static inline void setBackdropColor(const u16 color)
    BG_PALETTE[0] = color;

    @brief sets the backdrop color of the sub engine.

    the backdrop color is displayed when all pixels at a given location are transparent
    (no sprite or background is visible there).

    @param color the color that the backdrop of the sub engine should display.
static inline void setBackdropColorSub(const u16 color)
    BG_PALETTE_SUB[0] = color;