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Loading/Streaming maxmod files from FAT without mmutil conve

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:17 am
by DNA
Is there any way of loading MaxMod compatible music files, .mod .xm. .it and such, from FAT without needing to convert them with mmutil before hand? The maxmod documentation wasn't very helpful with this topic. Any help will be appreciated. I want to make a music player for those files.

Re: Loading/Streaming maxmod files from FAT without mmutil conve

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:23 pm
by dheart88
which one is better, nitrofs or fat?? which library separate nds file with the sources and which library combined all files in one big .nds file??

From the maxmod documentation , I can assumed that the user really need to make soundbank.bin, so you can only play the song that already defined before...
i think maxmod can't work out as music player since you have to define the song before..

Sorry for my bad english

Re: Loading/Streaming maxmod files from FAT without mmutil conve

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:10 pm
by DNA
Ok then, thanks. I'll figure out mikmod instead since I know it works with that.