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neheGX documentation

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:16 pm
by Nidhoegger

I wonder if there is some documentation about the neheGX lesson 01 (the other are similar to the neheGL tutorials)? I dont understand some of the commands used and the setup of GX.



Re: neheGX documentation

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:03 pm
by ccfreak2k
The Doxygen pages document -some- of the GX commands, but a lot are left undocumented. You have to kind of guess based on the command name and its parameters, although having knowledge about OpenGL can help. Incidentally, I have a work-in-progress document cooked up on the wiki that should shed some light on how to use GX, as to me it seems like a very well-kept secret. I'm waiting for WinterMute (or even shagkur) to look it over and make sure it's right before I start giving the link away.