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how to run my program directly from my computer to the wii ?
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:27 am
by virus7
I wonder if i can run my program after compiling it to the wii directly by a usb cable or something instead of having the trouble of putting the program on a memory stick and run it on the wii every single time I want to change something in the code ?? and i don't like using emulators .. it does not give the right feeling as if i run and test the program on the console it self
Re: how to run my program directly from my computer to the w
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:16 pm
by WinterMute
You need the
Homebrew Channel - devkitPPC comes with wiiload which will send your binary directly to HBC over a cable using a usbgecko or over TCP/IP on your home network. Most, if not all, of the wii examples have a run target which launches wiiload, you'll just need to set the environment variable as needed.
Code: Select all
wiiload v0.5
coded by dhewg
set the environment variable WIILOAD to a valid destination.
usbgecko mode:
export WIILOAD=/dev/tty.usbserial-GECKUSB0
tcp mode:
export WIILOAD=tcp:wii
export WIILOAD=tcp:
/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin/wiiload <filename> <application arguments>
You can either set this variable in your Makefile or add it to your environment.