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The Gimp plugin to export NDS texture (alpha supported)

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:41 am
by weirdfox
I just created a GIMP plug-in to export images in raw loadable files for libNDS 3D textures.

After reading a bit on the subject and seeing that raw 16bit colors is huge in the DS's small video memory, I decided to write an exporter for The GIMP based on gbatek's documentation:

The plugin add some new "save as" target for each format supported:
  • NDS A3I5 (palletted, 8bit: 3bit alpha and 5bit index)
  • NDS A5I3 (palletted, 8bit: 5bit alpha and 3bit index)
  • NDS RGB16 (palletted, 4bit index - 16 colors)
  • NDS RGB256 (palletted, 8bit index - 256 colors)
  • NDS RGB (raw 15bit)
  • NDS RGBA (raw 15bit + 1bit alpha)
The plugin is written in Python-fu and can be found here: (rename to .py) ... ort_py.txt

Here's some sample code to load the exported files:

I know this plugin is not finished and is slow, but it's only a first version (and it's my first gimp plugin)!

I hope this will help !