arm-eabi-gdb on Windows Vista64 host, target = com port
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:54 pm
I'm having trouble with using the arm-eabi-gdb on a Vista 64 host trying to connect to a target attached to the serial port. On XP 32 it works fine to specify "target remote com1", however on Vista 64 that command looks like this:
(gdb) target remote com1
com1: No such file or directory.
I'm guessing there must be some translation that is happening behind the scenes to make this work in XP 32 and that mapping is different for Vista 64. Has anyone else seen this or know a workaround to make gdb find the serial port on Vista 64?
(gdb) target remote com1
com1: No such file or directory.
I'm guessing there must be some translation that is happening behind the scenes to make this work in XP 32 and that mapping is different for Vista 64. Has anyone else seen this or know a workaround to make gdb find the serial port on Vista 64?