For a while, I was having trouble following the tutorial to
install devkitPPC on Unix-like platforms because it wasn't working as expected on my system (WSL 1). That tutorial directed me to
this page which is where I seemed to encounter an issue. After a bit, luckycharms14 gave me the steps below which got it working perfectly.
Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what I was having trouble with initially and don't know how to go back and test it again, but to get devkitPPC working in WSL 1, here are the exact steps I took (as provided by luckycharms14 in the MeleeModdingLibrary Discord):
Code: Select all
# download devkitpro-pacman.deb from
sudo ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab
sudo dpkg -i devkitpro-pacman.deb
sudo dkp-pacman -Sy
sudo dkp-pacman -S gamecube-dev
# add /opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin to the path by adding the line: PATH=${PATH}:/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin to the ~/.bashrc file
I think the parts that I didn't know to do and should be noted in
the wiki article were lines 3 and 4 (-Sy instead of -Syu). Forgive me if these steps should be obvious, but for someone without any experience with Arch Linux pacman and only the very basics of Unix-like platforms, I think these are important steps to include so that anyone can get into using devkitPPC.