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cannot find 3dsx_crt0.o: No such file or directory

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:29 pm
by CoderCharmander
I just downloaded everything following this tutorial: However, if I try to make, this error shows up:

Code: Select all

cannot find 3dsx_crt0.o: No such file or directory
3dsx_crt0.o is all well and it's in devkitPro/devkitARM/arm-none-eabi/lib/armv6k/fpu. (I am on Windows, and my username contains non-ASCII characters, if this means anything). If I copy 3dsx_crt0.o to build directory, a bunch of errors appears which are saying

Code: Select all

error: C:/devkitPro/libctru/lib\libctru.a(decode_utf8.o) uses VFP register arguments, C:/3ds/github/3DShomebrew/tutorial/template/template.elf does not
Can anyone help me?

Re: cannot find 3dsx_crt0.o: No such file or directory

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:53 pm
by fincs
Third party tutorials are almost certainly always outdated. 3DS homebrew has evolved a lot since 2015. A quick scan of the tutorial you linked to reveals references to many outdated practices and obsolete software that are very detrimental and harmful to your goal.

It is recommended to delete every single component or thing you've already downloaded or attempted to install, and start fresh with our official Getting Started guide. Afterwards, you can look into devkitPro/examples/3ds/templates/application; copy this folder somewhere else in order to start a new project. Use a command prompt, change into the directory you've freshly copied, and type make. This should produce a 3dsx file which can be run on your system.