I am using the make command to build the ROM and decided that I want to switch over to c++ so that I have classes. Therefore I switched the name of my file from Main.c to Main.cpp.
However if I try to compile the game now I get the following error:
make[1] *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/Yanni/source/devkitPro/GBA_Spiel/GBA_Spiel/source/Main.c', needed by 'Main.o'. Stop.
make: *** [Makefile:118 build] Error 2
Is there a way to compile c++ code with devkitpro?
How to compile .cpp files?
Re: How to compile .cpp files?
When you encounter this kind of error, it is suggested to run make clean prior to make, in order to clear out stale dependency tracking.
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Re: How to compile .cpp files?
Thank you so much! I was afraid first that I couldn't use c++.
It works. Thanks
It works. Thanks
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