I'm new to the GBA development scene and have run across a problem when trying to access an array of structs across multiple .c files.
Given the following structure sprite.h/sprite.c defines my Sprite struct, buffer.h/buffer.c defines a fixed size array of Sprites.
This array is valid in main.c but invalid in sprite.c (or any other .c file/object).
Further testing of an array of shorts works as expected and is valid across any .c file.
Any help to fill in the gap of knowledge I'm missing would be most appreciated

Here is my code below, my Makefile is boilerplate from example\gba\template
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#ifndef _SPRITE_
#define _SPRITE_
#include "global.h"
typedef struct Sprite
u16 sliceCount;
const Rect* pSlices;
const u16 *map;
} Sprite;
void sprite_make(const u16 *map, const Rect* pSlices, const u16 sliceCount, Sprite* pOutSprite);
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#include "sprite.h"
#include "buffer.h"
void sprite_make(const u16 *map, const Rect* pSlices, const u16 sliceCount, Sprite* pOutSprite)
// Invlaid pOutSprite but valid g_spriteCount and g_tmp
pOutSprite = &g_spriteBuffer[g_spriteCount++];
pOutSprite->map = map;
pOutSprite->pSlices = pSlices;
pOutSprite->sliceCount = sliceCount;
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#include "global.h"
#include "sprite.h"
// Valid in main.c invalid in sprite.c
extern Sprite g_spriteBuffer[];
extern u16 g_spriteCount;
// Works as expected valid from both sprite.c and main.c
extern u16 g_tmp[];
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#include "buffer.h"
Sprite g_spriteBuffer[SPRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
u16 g_spriteCount = 0;
u16 g_tmp[] = {1, 3, 5 , 6};