The binaries for devkitPSP release 15 have now been uploaded. As usual the windows binary is available through the
Automated Installer/Updater, for other platforms check the
devkitPSP getting started page on the wiki.
- gcc updated to 4.3.6.
- newlib updated to 1.19.0.
- Jetdrone's pspsdk patches added
I'm really not sure how best to go with devkitPSP now - it was mainly a courtesy build based around Oopo's toolchain scripts which were massaged a bit to fit into the devkitPro buildscripts. The setup for devkitARM and devkitPSP was designed to produce exactly the same development environment on linux, OSX and windows. devkitPSP benefits from this too and we've recently been providing binaries for OSX and linux 32/64bit as well as windows.
There is, of course, minpspw which has gone off in the bizarre direction of not using msys to provide the unix tools that are pretty much necessary for a fully capable development environment. Ideally I'd like to see efforts merged rather than having separate projects - the devpaks seem like a good idea, eclipse and lack of unix tools don't.